Wednesday, February 13, 2013

HP hiring Freshers/Exp for "Business Planing Manager" in Bangalore,Feb 2013

Company Name: HP

Company Website:

Job Details:

Requirement: Business Planing Manager

Location: Bangalore

Category: IT/Software

Experience Required: 0-2 years


                        Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE: HPQ) or HP is an American multinational computer hardware, software and services corporation headquartered in Palo Alto, California, United States. It provides products, technologies, software, solutions and services to consumers, small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and large enterprises, including customers in the government, health and education sectors.

Desired Qualification:

Degree: Any Graduate

Other Skills Required:
  • The candidate should be UG Degree graduate from recognized university
  • Should have good communication skills and verbal ability.
  • Should possess good analytical and critical problem solving skills.
  • Intermediate knowledge of internal processes and policies.
  • Developed understanding of local legal compliance issues.
  • Strong problem-solving and analytical skills.
  • Good teamwork skills.
  • Intermediate time management skills.
  • Developing project management skills.
  • Developing mentoring and coaching skills.

To Apply: Click here...


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